Tel(514) 631-6381, Email:
Tel(514) 631-6381, Email:
PASTORAL & PARISH STAFF (514-631-6381)
Rev. Frederick Kirouac, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Gerald Turpin, Deacon
Beverley Wiltsie, Director of Family Faith Ed.
Secretary: Stefani Gentile
In Residence: Rev. Tom Delorme
Nicole Duchastel 514 506-8090
Ron Cooney 514 636-6565
Cecile Condon 514 631-1115
Laura Schnitzer 514 265-7720
Angela Whelton 514 636-9803
Angie Sotelsek 514 435-9155
Parish Coordinating Committee
Eric Lasota(Chair) 514-636-0405
Youth Information
Beverley Wiltsie 514-631-6381
Choir Directors
Lydia Johnstone 514-332-0336
Martin Fairbank. 514-633-1077
Margaret Halpin 514-694-5342
Altar Servers
Ron Cooney 514-636-6565
Eucharistic Ministers
4.30 pm Judy Russaouën 514-631-1565
9.00 am Cecile Condon 514-631-1115
11.00 am Anne Daley 514-631-8745
Ministers of Hospitality
4.30 pm Claude Valiquet 514-631-7730
9.00 am Roger Symthe 514-636-8801
11.00 am Josephine Manuel. 514-633-0976
Hector Borzelli 514-637-9038
Ian Rankin (Chair) 514-631-9341
St. Veronica's Seniors Club
Margo Heron 514-631-6533
C.A.R.E Apartment
Anne Marie McCusker - Liaison 514-631-0552
Catholic Women's League
Huguette Albert 514-428-9835
Faith and Light
Patricia Quintana 514-943-3932
Pastoral Home Care
Helen Surette 514-631-8908
Drivers-Saturday/Sunday Masses
Beate Cloetta 514-695-5752
Sisters of the Holy Names 514-631-2673
St.Veronica's Helping Others
John Turner 514-631-6518
Anne Daley 514-631-8745
Social Justice
Judy Turner 514-631-6518
Youth Info
Beverley Wiltsie 514 631-6381